


作者:莫出     发布日期:2011-08-27    出自:本站原创     点击:n 次
1987 拉菲古堡建造新酒窖。这座由加泰罗尼亚建筑师理查德·鲍费尔监造的地下环形酒窖由16根柱子撑起穹顶,使整个建筑宛若开阔的天空,独有的恢宏和绝美,窖中可容纳2200个橡木桶。建筑耗时2年,既有罗马时代的建筑又包含了路易




拉菲洒窖历史 >>   

     1987 拉菲古堡建造新酒窖。这座由加泰罗尼亚建筑师理查德·鲍费尔监造的地下环形酒窖由16根柱子撑起穹顶,使整个建筑宛若开阔的天空,独有的恢宏和绝美,窖中可容纳2200个橡木桶。建筑耗时2年,既有罗马时代的建筑又包含了路易时期的奢侈富贵,各个厅均有其各自时代并各自贵族的明显色彩。1989年该酒窖落成,由罗


    今天,罗斯柴尔德家族的“拉菲酒窖”正式落户深圳,八开公司荣誉摘得其中国的唯一使用人之皇冠。八开公司将秉承罗斯柴尔德家族理念。 在中国不断寻求最优秀的合作伙伴共建世界上最美好的最卓越的最有历史的酒窖。好酒窖是对人类物质文明的一种贡献。

      1987 Rafi castle construction of a new wine cellar.This by the Catalan architect Richard. Bofill supervision of the Circular underground cellar by 16 pillars prop the domo,so that the whole buding feels like an open sky,the magnificent and unique Beautiful,cellar can be Up to 2,200 oak barrels.Construction took two years,beth Roman road construction but also contains the The luxury of easy wealth during the various offices have their own era and the apparent color of their nobility.The wine in 1989 Cellarbuilt by the Rothschild family。officlally named the “Lafite wine cellar.”.So farall the top order to admire the wine cellar Wei Ranstanding on Bo Le villageL,every year for this wine rourists off the courier not be extinguished when nobles held concets in the central hall OK ,two decades of shenzhen ,and eight to open the company won the honor china is the sole user of the crown.8 open the company will uphold the concept of Rothschild family.Constantly searching in china seek the best partners build the worid's finest of ghe most remarkable quality of the best wine cellar .A good wine cellar is a conrribution to the human material.

